Welcome to
Lions Club


Who We Are

Petersfield Lions Club (CIO) Registered Charity Number 1174868

President – Mary Putnam

Vice President – Lin Piatek                    

Secretary – Clive Midson

Treasurer – Mike Piatek

Petersfield Lions Club was formed in 1972 and has been helping the local community ever since through service, fundraising and raising awareness of world issues like vision, hunger, environment,  diabetes & childhood cancer. 

Lions serve. It’s that simple, and it has been since we first began in 1917. Our clubs are places where individuals join together to give their valuable time and effort to improving their communities, and the world.

Our Mission
To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.

Our Vision
To be the global leader in community and humanitarian service.

Lions Clubs International is the largest service club organization in the world. Our 1.42 million members in more than 48,000 clubs are serving in over 200 countries and geographic areas around the globe. Since 1917, Lions have strengthened local communities through hands-on service and humanitarian projects, and we are able to extend our service impact through the generous support of our Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF). We are focused on supporting sight, hunger, the environment, childhood cancer and our new global cause, diabetes, to help address some of the biggest challenges facing humanity. Lions have set an ambitious goal of helping 200 million people per year so we can bring even more service to more people than ever before.

Vice President

Helping the community,
locally, nationally & internationally

— Volunteering

Ever thought about volunteering but weren’t sure what you could do?

Working together we can do so much more. 

“Help us turn problems into solutions by working together”

Petersfield Lions help the local community in a wide variety of ways and everything we do is voluntary.

Our largest ongoing community project is currently the Marshalling of the Covid Vaccinations.

Following on from the Petersfield Lions Clubs support of a local surgery by Marshalling for the annual flu jabs, Petersfield Lions have led the co-ordination of Marshalling the Coronavirus Vaccinations of 7 combined local surgeries at The Festival Hall in Petersfield, with 18 Petersfield Lions Club Members.

In the Lion Year 2019-20, Petersfield Lions Club members contributed 2000 Hours of Voluntary Service to the community. 

To find out more about Volunteering and Petersfield Lions have a look at our What We Do page and our Join us page.

— Fundraising

Petersfield Lions raise about £12,000 per year for deserving causes, mainly Local but also National & International where the need arises.

Whether it’s a Quiz night or running a bar, a sponsored event or our Toy Tombola Stall at a Festival, these are just a few of the fundraisers we use to raise money to help local deserving causes.  

To find out more, look at our What We Do page.

— Raising Awareness

As well as fundraising Lions Clubs International  support worldwide, both in raising awareness and with practical help, many causes including Diabetes, Environment, Hunger, Vision  & Childhood Cancer.  

Childhood Cancer


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