Petersfield Lions Club
Message in a bottle
message in a wallet
A simple idea,
to help you & Paramedics in an emergency.
— What are "Message in a Bottle"
& "Message in a Wallet" ?
The Lions Message in a Bottle scheme is a simple idea designed to encourage people to keep their personal and medical details on a standard form and in a common location – the fridge. Whilst it is focused on the more vulnerable people in our community, anyone can have an accident at home, so this scheme can benefit anyone, including you.
The Petersfield Message in a Wallet expands on the Bottle idea, by allowing you to carry the same information with you when out and about in a common location, your wallet or purse.
How does the scheme work?
As the name suggests, the personal information is kept in a small plastic bottle. The bottle has a push-fit lid and is big enough to hold the necessary information. The bottle is then kept in the fridge, where the emergency services will expect to look for it in the event of being called to your home. They will be alerted to your membership of the scheme by two ‘green cross’ labels. One is fixed to the back of the front door (or the door most used to access the premises), the second is attached to the door of the fridge.
The Wallet will be found by the emergency services when looking for your ID in an emergency when away from home.
How much does it cost?
There is no cost to the user. Costs of running the scheme are being borne by local Lions Clubs.
What information is needed?
The information you need to provide is quite straightforward, but you may like to ask a relative, neighbour or carer to help you complete the form.
The form also has a space for a passport size photograph, but this is only necessary when there is more than one person living at the premises (to aid identification).
Information required to complete the form is:
Your full name and brief physical description
Your doctors name and the surgery address & telephone number
A brief description of any medical conditions you are suffering from – your doctor or carer will help if you are uncertain
The names, addresses and telephone numbers of two persons who may be contacted in the event of an emergency – sudden illness or accident
Details of any pets which may be on the premises and need to be cared for. Are you a Carer? If so, for whom and where do they live?
In addition, we strongly recommend that you also include your repeat prescription list. This is produced every time a repeat prescription is ordered, and this information is of great value to the ambulance service. Paramedics are able to administer drugs, but need to know of any you are already taking to eliminate the risk of drug interaction.
Where can I get a “Message in a Wallet” from?
Due to the current Covid restrictions our new Wallets, which literally came from the printers the very first day we went into lockdown in 2020 are not available in any of the bottle locations yet, if you would like a “Message in a Wallet” please use the “Contact us” page on this web site and we will send you one.
Where can I get a “Message in a Bottle” from ?
In Petersfield :-
The Swan Surgery, Swan Street.
The Grange Surgery, The Causeway.
Rowans & Cedar Wards, Petersfield Hospital, Swan Street.
Day Lewis Pharmacy, Central Car Park.
Boots, High Street.
Petersfield Age Concern
In Liss :-
The Riverside Kelsey Surgery
If you have any difficulties getting a bottle or need more information or advice, please use the “Contact us” page on this web site.