This years Petersfield Lions Club’s Peace Poster Competition, “Dare to Dream”, was won by The Petersfield School student Alannah Hatt.
The competition saw some very imaginative and creative entries from the students.
The judges, Petersfield Lions and local independent artist Caroline Strong, felt Alannah’s entry best represented the theme.
Petersfield Lions Club President Trevor Copping presented the winning student Alannah, along with 3 other students Highly Commended pictures, Ella, Anna & Toby, Certificates and Art shop vouchers.
The Competition is run every year by Lions Clubs International, it’s a way of encouraging young people to think about world peace and their interpretation of this as a piece of artwork.
Alannah was also interviewed by Julie Butler on Petersfield’s Shine Radio.
Listen here :-
Alannah said, “Peace is not only something us as people want, it’s something we as a world need”.

Competition organiser Lion Dave Read, Lion Club President Trevor Copping, local artist Caroline Strong, TPS Head Teacher Mark Merande, and Students Alannah Hatt, Ella, Anna and Toby.

Julie Butler of Petersfield Shine Radio interviewing competition winner Alannah Hatt.

Judging the entries, local artist Caroline Strong & Petersfield Lion President Trevor Copping.

Some of this years TPS student entries.