Petersfield Lions Club
petersfield lions help With food
— Lions & Hunger
Hunger Facts
815 million people affected by hunger in 2016: 11% of the global population.
155 million children under age five are stunted due to chronic malnutrition.
1/3 of annual food production is lost or wasted throughout the supply chain.
33% of women of reproductive age suffer from anaemia.
Lions have a Plan
Lions and Leos serve to improve human flourishing, and we see how the global hunger and nutrition crisis bears upon our local communities. We believe community improvement depends on the thriving of its members.
Lions Strategic Objective
Ensure all community members have access to nutritious foods.
— Petersfield Lions Help PACT Food Bank, The Free Food Shop, Home-Start Butser & The Kings Arms.
Since September 2023, Petersfield Lions Club have been purchasing and donating £100 worth of food to the PACT Food Bank every month.

Petersfield Lions Club’s 2020 Christmas Envelope Appeal donations help with Christmas Parcels for the Elderly, Funds for PACT Food Bank and other local good causes.
We donated two Soup Heaters to the Free Food Shop.
World Food Day 2020
Lions Mary Putnam and Sandra Manktelow can be seen here buying food in Tesco.
In total we bought £200 worth of food from Tesco & Pound Land, plus a further £20 worth donated by Tesco. This was given to the Petersfield Food Bank for World Food Day. We also held a stall outside Lloyds Bank on Saturday 17th October raising awareness of the 75th Anniversary of World Food Day. This food donation will help residents of Petersfield during this difficult time in the pandemic.