Petersfield Lions Club
Prostate Cancer
in association with hampshire pcaso
— PSA - How do I get tested?
Subject to Covid-19 restrictions being lifted, we will be holding another P.S.A. Event for men over 50 in Petersfield. This Event will provide awareness of Prostate Cancer symptoms as well as a Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), which is an indicator of prostate health.
A blood sample is taken from a vein in the arm, with a result in 7-10 days. Where positive results are detected, the men are advised to consult their Doctor.
There is no charge for this service, donations are welcome to help defray costs of the Event.
— A Successful PSA Test Day
The Petersfield Lions Club (CIO) and the Hampshire Branch of the Prostate Cancer Support Organisation charity (PCaSO) held a blood testing event at Winton House in Petersfield High Street on Saturday 2nd March, 2019. Fully booked with 168 appointments, it was expected to be a busy day, running from 10am to 2pm. And so it was – in the end, 181 men had blood samples taken for PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) testing, including local MP Damien Hinds. He kindly attended the event to help raise awareness of prostate cancer and agreed to take the test himself. The Mayor of Petersfield also paid the event a visit.
Lions Club members and experienced PCaSO volunteers welcomed each man attending the event. After completing a consent form, the men watched a short information video about the signs and treatment of prostate cancer. The men were then guided to the nerve centre of the operation – three local volunteer phlebotomists took blood samples from 181 men, averaging 13 men every 15 minutes over 3½ hours. Hats off to them!
Petersfield Lions Club helped to fund the event, along with generous grants. District Councillor Jamie Matthews provided £980 from EHDC funds and Petersfield Town Council gave £500. The tests were free of charge to those tested, but the good folk of Petersfield donated £1,374 towards the costs of testing, approximately £10 per test. Petersfield Lions are covering the addition cost and making a donation of around £800 to support the work of PCaSO in Hampshire.
Lions Club members also sold refreshments and cakes, raising £30 for the local Headway charity that cares for people who suffer from brain injury.