Petersfield Lions
Club Youth
young people in
the community
petersfield Lions supporting
young people in the community
— ROAR2024
– Terry Tidd & Paul Wickham Shields
The Terry Tidd Shield for outstanding musician of the year, was set up while he was a school governor and the Club agreed to sponsor it each year, thereafter. Terry was a Charter member of the Petersfield Lions Club who died in 2009.
When Paul Wickham died, also a Charter member of Petersfield Lions Club, his widow gave us a donation of £100 which we decided to use for another TPS award – the Paul Wickham prize for drama. Paul was a keen amateur thespian in his younger days when he lived in the Farnborough area, before moving to Petersfield. In the mid 70’s Paul and his wife Joyce ran the Market Inn in the square. The walls of the pub were filled with photos of actors all signed to Paul.
— The Duke of Edinburgh's Award
In the past we have helped sponsor students with their DofE challenge.
— Lions International Young Ambasador of the 21st Century
This scheme is an annual event run and organised by Lions Clubs International with the aim of recognising, encouraging and supporting young people actively involved in the welfare of communities, both at home and abroad. Examples of the activities of past candidates include helping both young and older people where help is needed, and of course, the disabled and disadvantaged. Other typical activities include organising projects to do with conservation and crime prevention, promoting healthier lifestyles, running hospital radios and any number of other worthwhile community initiatives.
— Lions International Peace Poster & Essay Competitions
Since 2016, Petersfield Lions Club in conjunction with The Petersfield School have been taking part in the Lions International Peace Poster Competition.
It is an opportunity to encourage thinking about the importance of world peace, tolerance and international understanding, along with an outlet for artistic self expression.
In 2019, TPS Year 8 student Jemma Green, Petersfield Clubs winner, won the District 105D and subsequently the Multiple District MD105 National Competition. Jemma’s interpretation of the theme ‘Kindness Matters’ was widely praised by TPS staff and Lions Club representatives from around the country.

Brief Rules:- Artists must be 11, 12 or 13 years of age on the 15th of November. The preferred size is ISO standard A2 drawing paper. (Must be no smaller than 330mm by 508mm and no larger than 508mm by 600mm) No collages are allowed, along with no numbering or wording to be on the poster in any language, nothing may be attached to the poster in any way, posters cannot be mounted on another surface or laminated.

Leo clubs are a youth organization of Lions Clubs International. Petersfield Lions Club currently does not have a LEO Club, but anyone interested in starting a LEO Club or wanting to find out more, please contact us via the Contact Us page.
Leo clubs encourage youths to develop leadership qualities by participating in social service activities. They are dependent on a Lions club to sponsor and initiate a Leo club. Leo club members are addressed as “Leos.” They conduct various projects in the fields of health care, elders, children, disabled people, literacy and education, and self-development. Leos can raise funds by conducting fund-raising projects. They can conduct projects with another Leo club, sponsoring Lions club, or with an outside organization. Leo clubs are sponsored by Lions clubs and comprise an official programme of Lions Clubs International.
There are two tracks of the Leo Club Programme. Alpha Leo Clubs are those that consist of members between 12 and 18 years of age. Omega Leo Clubs are those that consist of members between 18 and 30 years of age. Leo Club Programme’s maximum age of membership is 30 years of age, though it is at the discretion of the Lion’s district to enforce younger upper-age limits for Omega clubs. There are no major differences in the operations or logistics of Alpha and Omega Leo Clubs.